Projects per year
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Ethique des Vertus : intérêt actuel dans l'analyse des pratiques soignantes
Dagneaux, I. (PI), Ravez, L. (PI), Rizzerio, L. (CoI), Fox, A. (CoI), Ars, B. (Researcher) & Bert, C. (Researcher)
10/06/16 → 1/02/19
Project: Research
SATRAP: Stress and Ageing : a Transdisciplinary Research Approach
Burnay, N. (PI), Debacq-Chainiaux, F. (PI), Rigaux, N. (PI), Cornelis, E. (PI), Desseilles, M. (PI) & Ravez, L. (PI)
1/06/14 → 1/06/17
Project: Research
Les sourds, une minorité culturelle et linguistique : déni du handicap ou défi pour la culture ?
Dagneaux, I. (PI), Meurant, L. (Support role), Feltz, B. (Supervisor), Frogneux, N. (Support role) & Crommelinck, M. (Support role)
1/10/09 → 21/12/17
Project: Research
File -
Interuniversity research project on the creation of training material for the GPs regarding the ethics of health care for the elderly
Cabiaux, C. (Researcher) & Ravez, L. (Researcher)
13/11/06 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
CIDES: Research for the workshop in clinical ethics, èmes rencontres internationales francophones de bioéthique, Bucarest, Roumanie, november 2-4 2006 « Universalisation des valeurs en bioéthique" clinique »
Ravez, L. (PI), Cabiaux, C. (Researcher) & Ravez, L. (Researcher)
2/11/06 → 4/11/06
Project: Research
CIDES: Research for the course of bioethics 2006-2007 "the possibility of universal values in clinical ethics"
Ravez, L. (PI), Cabiaux, C. (Researcher) & Ravez, L. (Researcher)
1/06/06 → 31/01/07
Project: Research
CIDES: Training project "attachment - detachment" for managers of SRA Saint-Alfred, Casteau.
Ravez, L. (PI) & Ravez, L. (Researcher)
1/12/05 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Publication of the proceedings of the symposium "le corps rsitué" held in tribute to J. Duchêne
Ravez, L. (PI), Cabiaux, C. (Researcher) & Ravez, L. (Researcher)
1/09/05 → 1/09/06
Project: Research
De l'obstétrique à la réanimation néo-natale
Duchene, J. (PI), Cabiaux, C. (Researcher) & Ravez, L. (CoI)
30/09/04 → 30/06/05
Project: Research
Strengthening bioethics capacities and justice in health
Rennie, S. (PI) & Ravez, L. (CoI)
1/01/04 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Ethics and Genetic : about the genetic information
Duchene, J. (PI), Cabiaux, C. (Researcher) & DELFOSSE, M.-L. (Researcher)
1/09/98 → 31/12/99
Project: Research