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Colloque à l'occasion des 13 ans de la formation CUESS
Costenoble, C. (Participant), Ravez, L. (Contributor), Bolly, C. (Contributor) & Rommelaere, C. (Contributor)
24 Nov 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Certificat interUniversitaire en Ethique des Soins de Santé (CUESS)
Costenoble, C. (Participant), Ravez, L. (Contributor), Vyt, C. (Contributor), Guillaume, G. (Contributor) & Bert, C. (Contributor)
21 Sept 2023 → 21 Jun 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Initiation à la bioéthique de la recherche clinique
Ravez, L. (Contributor), Rennie, S. (Contributor) & Behets, F. (Contributor)
15 Sept 2021 → 17 Sept 2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
L'éthique en questions
RAVEZ, L. (Organiser)
18 Oct 2019Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
L'éthique en questions
DE BRABANTER, G. (Member of Organizing Committee), RAVEZ, L. (Member of Organizing Committee), BERT, C. (Member of Organizing Committee), MERCIER, M. (Member of Organizing Committee), Rommelaere, C. (Member of Organizing Committee), GERNAY, M.-M. (Member of Organizing Committee) & Dagneaux, I. (Member of Organizing Committee)
16 Oct 2019 → 18 Oct 2019Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Colloque en Soins palliatifs Henallux
Rommelaere, C. (Contributor)
12 Mar 2019Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Enfance négligée : les acteurs scolaires et le travail en réseau
Rommelaere, C. (Contributor)
4 Dec 2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Assistenten Conferentie / Conférence des Assistants
Rommelaere, C. (Contributor)
25 May 2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Innovation inversée en Santé
Fox, A. (Participant)
31 May 2018 → 1 Jun 2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Les douze travaux de la Commission éthique de la Fédération des Structures socio-psycho-thérapeutiques
Ravez, L. (Organiser), Hommé, J.-M. (Contributor) & Planche, J.-M. (Contributor)
26 Jan 2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Après-midi de l'éthique
Fox, A. (Participant)
12 Dec 2017Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Colloque international sur le thème: "Les Comité d'éthique à Madagascar: mises en perspective", Centre d'infectiologie Charles Mérieux, Faculté de Médecine d'Antananarivo, Centre de Bioéthique de l'Université de Namur, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Ravez, L. (Organiser)
20 Apr 2017 → 21 Apr 2017Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Le défi de la collaboration interprofessionnelle
Dagneaux, I. (Participant)
14 Oct 2016Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Colloque du GEFERS : éthique de l'organisation et du management
Isabelle Dagneaux (Contributor)
26 May 2016 → 27 May 2016Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Symposium sur la fin de vie des enfants
Rommelaere, C. (Speaker)
4 May 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Docteur, vous avez dit éthique ?
Albert Fox (Organiser)
17 Feb 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Les nouvelles facettes de la procréation médicalement assistée
Rommelaere, C. (Contributor)
7 Feb 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day
Journée thématique du Dépt. infirmier du CHR de Namur
Albert Fox (Keynote Speaker)
27 Nov 2014Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation to a Symposium, a study Day