Student theses
- 25 - 50 out of 1,621 results
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A Generic Approach for Automated Verification of Product Line Models
MAZO PENA, R. (Author)Heymans, P. (Jury), 2011Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
Agile outside of Information Technology: Literature review and police policy project experiment
Denis, J. (Author)Vanderose, B. (Supervisor) & Simonofski, A. (Co-Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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AIDAMI+: Conception d'un système d'aide à des personnes handicapées
Mammerickx, C. (Author) & Piette, J.-L. (Author)Ramaekers, J. (Supervisor), 1989Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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AIDE : Un logiciel de documentation en ligne interactif
Bokor, K. (Author)Berleur, J. (Supervisor) & Debar, M. (Supervisor), 1984Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Aide à la décision multi-critères pour le choix d'une solution Cloud computing
Verhoustraeten, L. (Author)Petit, M. (Supervisor), 5 Sept 2014Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
Aide à la distribution et exploitation électrique : simulation et optimisation
Braun, C. (Author)Vanhoof, W. (President) & Jacquet, J.-M. (Supervisor), 29 Aug 2017Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Aide à l'administration de systèmes distribués
Hasoppe, E. (Author)Ramaekers, J. (Supervisor), 1994Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Aide à la gestion de projet informatique: vade mecum de déploiement: le cas SyDAR
Guyot, V. (Author)Maris, C. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Aide à la spécification des systèmes d'information
Leonard, P. (Author)Bodart, F. (Supervisor), 1991Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Aide à l'édition de spécifications orientées agents de systèmes de production manufacturiers
Baudoin, P. (Author)Petit, M. (Supervisor), 2005Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Aide à l'Enseignement de la Dérivation
Brunet, F. (Author)Cherton, C. (Supervisor), 1990Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Aide au diagnostic médical: conception et analyse d'un système d'information à l'usage du centre anti-poisons de Bruxelles
Biernaux, T. (Author)Fichefet, J. (Jury), 1979Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Aide au diagnostic médical: synthèse des méthodes et applications
Deroy, P. (Author)Fichefet, J. (Supervisor), 1979Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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A language to query execution traces of Java programs
Verhoustraeten, L. (Author)Englebert, V. (Supervisor), 29 Aug 2016Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Algorithmes d'allocation dynamique de mémoire
Crutzen, P. (Author)Leroy, H. (Supervisor), 1985Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Algorithmes de manipulation des grands nombres entiers : preuves de correction
Hastir, M. (Author)Le Charlier, B. (Jury), 1986Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Algorithmes génétiques et recuit simulé
Pierre, A.-C. (Author)Fichefet, J. (Supervisor), 1991Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Algorithms for the Partition and Labelling of Natural Language Document Sets
Puissant, J.-F. (Author)Cleve, A. (President) & Frenay, B. (Supervisor), 21 Jun 2017Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Alignement business-IT: le cas de l’ERP Odoo
Patz, M. (Author)Schobbens, P.-Y. (President), Petit, M. (Supervisor) & Vanderose, B. (Co-Supervisor), 28 Aug 2017Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
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Aligning Access Rights to Governance Needs with the Responsability MetaModel (ReMMo) in the Frame of Enterprise Architecture
Feltus, C. (Author)Petit, M. (Co-Supervisor), Habra, N. (President), Colin, J.-N. (Jury), Maris, C. (Jury), PIGNEUR, Y. (Jury), Proper, E. (Jury) & Dubois, E. (Co-Supervisor), 11 Mar 2014Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Alliance of Web services
Loubris, J. (Author)Thiran, P. (Supervisor) & Castiaux, A. (Jury), 2009Student thesis: Master types › Master in Management
All I Know
van Ditmarsch, H. (Author)Schobbens, P.-Y. (Jury), 2010Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science
a logic for KARO agents (?)
van Linder, B. (Author)Schobbens, P.-Y. (Jury), 2000Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
Amélioration de la Performance du Processus de Signature des Contrats dans une Multinationale : Analyse et Élaboration d'une Solution
Yem Back, P. (Author)Englebert, V. (President), Habra, N. (Supervisor) & Verlaine, B. (Supervisor), 1 Sept 2017Student thesis: Master types › Advanced Master in Computer Science and Innovation
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Amélioration de la qualité des applications Web: une approche par heuristique
Boclinville, S. (Author)Habra, N. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer science