Projects per year
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Henry, J. (PI) & Meyer, V. (Researcher)
1/10/23 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
Consortiums - Pacte pour un Enseignement d'excellence 01/09/23 - 31/08/24
Romainville, M. (PI) & Collard, A.-S. (CoPI)
1/09/23 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
FSR-cofin Helia 3D: How to create a 3D reconstruction and get real time measurements of human body parts?
Dumas, B. (PI)
1/06/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
Evaluation des opérations et dispositifs particuliers dans le domaine de l’éducation aux médias
Boraita, F. (Support role)
1/03/23 → 31/05/23
Project: Research
Evaluation des opérations et dispositifs particuliers dans le domaine de l’éducation aux médias
Collard, A.-S. (PI)
1/03/23 → 31/05/23
Project: Research
MP-Analyse du cadre juridique relatif aux interactions machines-to-machines envisagées par le SPF Finances
Jacquemin, H. (PI)
22/02/23 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
MP-analyse du cadre juridique relatif aux interactions machines-to-machines envisagées par le SPF Finances
Jacquemin, H. (PI)
7/02/23 → 8/03/23
Project: Research
Bessel-CNNs: Rotation-Invariant and Multichannel Image Recognition with Bessel Functions, Bi-Quaternions and Clifford Algebras
Delchevalerie, V. (PI), Frénay, B. (Supervisor) & Mayer, A. (CoI)
1/01/23 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
MP - Gender equals future : 011 for IT
Henry, J. (PI), Nyssen, S. (CoPI), Dereymaeker, C. (CoPI), Boraita, F. (CoPI), Vanderose, B. (Researcher), Bernard, C. (Researcher), Devroey, X. (Researcher) & Meyer, V. (Researcher)
1/01/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
CIMAP: Certificat interuniversitaire en management public
Biemar, S. (Co-supervisor), Burnay, C. (PI), Corfdir, A. (Support role), Demiddeleer, S. (Support role) & Botty, G. (Support role)
19/04/22 → 1/09/24
Project: Continuous training
OPENAGRO 4.2: OPENAGRO 4.2 : Cadre juridique des bases de données, plateformes, et Outils d’Aide à la Décision (OAD) agricoles
Knockaert, M. (PI) & Barette, K. (Researcher)
11/03/22 → 10/03/23
Project: Research
OpenAgro 4.2: Legal framework for agricultural databases, platforms, and Decision Support Tools (DST)
Knockaert, M. (CoI) & Van Gyseghem, J.-M. (PI)
11/03/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
LIFTS: Learning Featured Transition Systems
Fortz, S. (PI), Perrouin, G. (Supervisor) & HEYMANS, P. (CoI)
1/01/22 → 30/09/23
Project: Research
MP-Analyse de la proposition de Règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil établissant des règles harmonisées sur l’intelligence artificielle (COM(2021))
Jacquemin, H. (PI), De Streel, A. (CoI), George, F. (CoI), Ruelle, V. (CoI), Lognoul, M. (CoI), Valcke, P. (CoI), De Bruyne, J. (CoI) & Vranckaert, K. (CoI)
13/10/21 → 12/04/22
Project: Research
ROBIN: A high level Reconstruction Of BIological PipeliNes
Jacquet, J.-M. (PI) & Zeippen, J.-M. (Researcher)
1/09/21 → 31/10/22
Project: Research
MP-code legislatif donnée: Drafting of an innovative legislative code for data processing and e-Government
Van Gyseghem, J.-M. (PI)
23/04/21 → 22/01/22
Project: Research
FEDER-NICL-sup: TRAKK - Capacity Building in Creative and Innovative Dynamics -Multifunctional films portofolio - additional budget
Lobet-Maris, C. (PI) & Castiaux, A. (PI)
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
ELEVATOR: tEaching, Learning and EValuating in a sociAlly disTancing wORld
Henry, J. (Researcher), Dumas, B. (PI) & Boraita, F. (Researcher)
1/01/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
FEDER wal-e-cities LIV: Wal-E-cities - LIV - additional budget
Dumas, B. (PI)
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
FLECSiWaB: Federated Lab for Experimental Computer Science in Wallonia and Brussels
Donnet, B. (PI), Quoitin, B. (CoI), Dricot, J.-M. (CoI), Schumacher, L. (CoI) & Bonaventure, O. (CoI)
1/01/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
MP: Academic research on the exploitation of local government data
Burnay, C. (PI), Castiaux, A. (PI), Dodeigne, J. (PI), Linden, I. (PI) & Jacquet, V. (Researcher)
1/01/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Étude relative aux obligations du gouvernement fédéral en application de la directive UE 2019/1937 et transposition en droit belge
Lachapelle, A. (PI), Hocepied, C. (CoPI), Gatot, L. (CoPI), Jorissen, A. (CoPI), Van de Vijver, A. (CoPI) & De Raedt, S. (CoPI)
1/11/20 → 30/04/21
Project: Research
LIFTS: Learning Featured Transition Systems
Fortz, S. (PI), PERROUIN, G. (Supervisor) & HEYMANS, P. (CoI)
1/10/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Bessel-CNNs: Rotation-Invariant and Multichannel Image Recognition with Bessel Functions, Bi-Quaternions and Clifford Algebras
Delchevalerie, V. (PI), Frénay, B. (Supervisor) & Mayer, A. (CoI)
1/10/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
SMARTGATE: Dematerialization and computer security of access control gates
Lobet-Maris, C. (CoI) & Grosman, J. (CoI)
1/06/20 → 31/05/23
Project: Research
ARRCIS: Assessment and Reinforcement of the Regulatory Compliance of an Information System
Colin, J.-N. (PI), Hosselet, B. (PI) & SACRE, A. (PI)
1/03/20 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
TRUST ME: Use of Business Intelligence with the objective of supporting the strategic choices of decision-makers through indicators
Jureta, I. (PI), Lopez Ruiz, L. (PI) & Herssens, C. (PI)
1/03/20 → 29/02/24
Project: Research
Bruxelles numérique
Collard, A.-S. (PI), Boraita, F. (PI), Dumas, B. (PI), Frénay, B. (PI) & Vanderose, B. (PI)
1/01/20 → 31/10/20
Project: Research
A simulation environment for the automatic off-line design of robot swarms
Birattari, M. (PI) & Tuci, E. (CoI)
1/01/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Causalities in Strategy Maps: Can Information Systems Complement Experts Knowledge in Increasing Accuracy ?
Pirnay, L. (PI) & Burnay, C. (Supervisor)
1/01/20 → 20/02/24
Project: PHD
INSTINCT: Improving Database Interactions in NoSQL Applications
Cleve, A. (PI) & Lanza, M. (CoI)
1/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
CoPSyRI: Accompagner le processus d'achat impliquant: Conception et Performance des Systèmes de Recommandations Interactifs
Deventer, C. (Researcher), Zidda, P. (Supervisor) & Heymans, P. (Co-supervisor)
1/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: PHD
Contrat 2019/006:Mission de collecte et d'analyse de données relatives à l'équipement numérique et à la connectivité des établissements scolaires situés en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
Boraita, F. (PI), Collard, A.-S. (PI), Dumas, B. (PI), Frénay, B. (PI), Henry, J. (CoPI) & Vanderose, B. (CoPI)
1/01/20 → 15/02/21
Project: Research
DIGI4FED: Digital (R)evolution in Belgian Federal Government: An Open Governance Ecosystem for Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain
Crompvoets, J. (PI), Vanderose, B. (CoI), De Terwangne, C. (CoI), Van de Walle, S. (CoI), Steen, T. (CoI), Janssen, M. (CoI), Lember, V. (CoI), Van Dooren, W. (CoI), Verhoest, K. (CoI), WALRAVE, M. (CoI), Fallon, C. (CoI) & Frénay, B. (CoI)
15/12/19 → 15/03/22
Project: Research
BESOCIAL: BESOCIAL: towards a sustainable social media archiving strategy for Belgium
Vandepontseele, S. (PI), Michaux, B. (PI), De Terwangne, C. (CoI), Michel, A. (CoI), Mechant, P. (CoI) & Watrin, P. (CoI)
15/12/19 → 15/03/23
Project: Research
Citizen science: a challenge to scientific objectivity ?
Bedessem, B. (PI) & Rouvroy, A. (Supervisor)
1/10/19 → 30/09/22
Project: Research
POC OUTLAW: Original User Tailored Laboratory Advanced Web solution
Faulkner, S. (PI)
1/09/19 → 28/02/21
Project: Research
Silverkit: Plateforme autoadaptative afin de préserver la qualité d’interaction des seniors avec les outils numériques
Genin, S. (Researcher), Englebert, V. (PI), Vanhoof, W. (Co-supervisor) & Lobet-Maris, C. (Co-supervisor)
1/09/19 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Schobbens, P. Y. (PI), Amrani, M. (PI) & Ortiz Vega, J. J. (PI)
1/08/19 → 31/07/22
Project: Research
SPARTA - European Commission H2020: SPARTA - Special projects for advanced research and technology in Europe
Knockaert, M. (Researcher)
1/02/19 → 30/09/22
Project: Research
Développement d’un dictionnaire contextuel bilingue : langue des signes (de Belgique francophone) – langue vocale (français)
Meurant, L. (PI) & Cleve, A. (CoI)
1/01/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
VIADUCT: Voice Interface for Autonomous Driving based on User experienCe Techniques
Van Gyseghem, J.-M. (PI)
1/11/18 → 30/10/21
Project: Research