Student theses
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A History of Earthquakes in the Luzon Island, Philippines during the 19th and 20th Centuries: Historical seismology, bureaucratic responses, and socio-cultural interpretations of disasters
ALVAREZ, K. (Author), Parmentier, I. (Supervisor), Teodoro, N. (Supervisor), Schmitz, S. (President), Gealogo, F. (Jury), Occeña-Gutierrez, D. (Jury) & Bolinao, M. L. D. (Jury), 5 Apr 2019Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of History, Art and Archeology
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A methodologcal framework to design software factories for software product lines
Belarbi, M. (Author), Englebert, V. (Supervisor), Vanderose, B. (President), Ponsard, C. (Jury), Mens, K. (Jury), Cleve, A. (Jury) & Perrouin, G. (Jury), 26 Sept 2023Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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André de Staecke: un Belge à l'OTAN (1950-1976)
HOORICKX, E. (Author), COLSON, B. (Supervisor), VRYDAGHS, D. (President), Balace, F. (Jury), Dujardin, V. (Jury), Eecloo, C. B. P. (Jury) & Soutou, G.-H. (Jury), 2020Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of History, Art and Archeology
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A rebours du modernisme. le néo-traditionalisme de l'entre deux-guerres au miroir de sa redécouverte "post-moderniste
Roucloux, J. (Author)Vanden Bemden, Y. M. (Supervisor), DUMOULIN, M. (Co-Supervisor), Foulon, P.-J. (Jury), JUNOD, P. (Jury) & Lenain, T. (Jury), 27 Nov 2006Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Philosophy
Au choeur* de la narration cinématographique: analyse d’une série contemporaine, It’s a sin de R.T. Davies
Duez, A. (Author), Roekens, A. (Supervisor), 27 Aug 2024Student thesis: Master types › Advanced Master in Cinematographic cultures and thoughts
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Between Structure and Agency: Structural Injustice in the Capability Approach, its Applications, and in Genetically-modified Corn Farming in Bukidnon, Philippines
MARIANO CAPISTRANO, P. J. (Author), Leyens, S. (Supervisor), HERMESSE, J. (Co-Supervisor), Flament, C. (President), Frogneux, N. (Jury), RODRIGUEZ, A. M. (Jury) & Drydyk, J. (Jury), 12 Mar 2024Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Philosophy
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Beweging en bewogenheid: het prozagedicht in de Nederlandse literatuur aan het einde van de negentiende eeuw
van der Weij, J.-W. (Author), Leijnse, E. (Jury), 1997Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Languages, Letters and Translation
Braveheart, une ombre planant sur l’Écosse et son roi: Étude de la représentation cinématographique de Robert Bruce et de l’Écosse médiévale
Schonkeren, V. (Author), ROEKENS, A. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Master types › Advanced Master in Cinematographic cultures and thoughts
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Characterization and (U-Th-Sm)/He dating of Moroccan supergene ore deposits : New insights to unravel the periods and potential causes of weathering processes.
Verhaert, M. (Author)YANS, J. (Supervisor), Bernard, A. (Co-Supervisor), Gautheron, C. (Co-Supervisor), HALLET, V. (President), Barbarand, J. (Jury), Pirard, E. (Jury), Debaille, V. (Jury) & Maacha, L. (Jury), 9 Sept 2020Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Cohabiter avec l’Antiquité (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles): Antiquarisme, traditions locales et impact paysager des vestiges antiques dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux et la principauté de Liège (1565-1794)
Latteur, O. (Author), Parmentier, I. (Supervisor), Van Haeperen, F. (Co-Supervisor), Vrydaghs, D. (President), Binsfeld, A. (Jury), Dubois, S. (Jury), KRINGS, V. (Jury) & Mostaccio, S. (Jury), 17 Nov 2021Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of History, Art and Archeology
Conception d’une expérience bas-bruit pour la détection de transitions neutron-neutron caché et recherche de contraintes sur la proximité d’une brane cachée dans le bulk
Stasser, C. (Author), Terwagne, G. (Supervisor), SARRAZIN, M. (Co-Supervisor), Lambin, P. (President), LAMBERT, D. (Jury), Roccia, S. (Jury) & Peter, P. (Jury), 29 Oct 2021Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Conscience intellectuelle et expérience dans la pensée de Nietzsche
Broisson, I. (Author), Ganty, E. (Supervisor), Laoureux, S. (Jury), Vanden Bemden, Y. (Jury), LARGE, D. (Jury), GELY, R. (Jury) & GIOVANNANGELI, D. (Jury), 23 May 2008Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Philosophy
Constraints on the formation and the timing of supergene manganese deposits: New insights from geodynamics in Europe and North Africa
Dekoninck, A. (Author)Yans, J. (Supervisor), Hallet, V. (President), Barbarand, J. (Jury), Vasconcelos, P. (Jury), Bouabdellah, M. (Jury), Bernard, A. (Jury) & Philippo, S. (Jury), 29 Aug 2019Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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Corps et méthodes: Penser le corps avec Donna Jeanne Haraway
Grandjean, N. (Author), Maris, C. (Co-Supervisor), Laoureux, S. (Co-Supervisor), Vrydaghs, D. (President), Puig de la Bellacasa, M. (Jury), Caeymaex, F. (Jury), Loute, A. (Jury) & Gardey, D. (Jury), 27 Jun 2018Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Philosophy
Création d’un outil d’aide à l’apprentissage du français par la lecture pour les élèves sourds et malentendants
YE, I. (Author) & SOW, B. (Author), Cleve, A. (Supervisor), Meurice, L. (Supervisor) & Meurant, L. (Co-Supervisor), 19 Jun 2023Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer Science Professional focus in Data Science
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Création et représentation de "Léo Burckart" de Gérard de Nerval
Mitchovich, J.-P. (Author)Thélot, J. (Supervisor), Bony, J. (Jury), Mizuno, H. (Jury), Brix, M. (Jury) & Lavorel, G. (Jury), 2010Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Languages, Letters and Translation
Crossing Boundaries in Henry V: Multilingualism, Cross-culturalism and Nation in History, Edition, Translation and Performance
Sel, A. (Author), Delabastita, D. (Supervisor), Latré, G. (Co-Supervisor), Flament, C. (President), Hoenselaars, T. (Jury), Lacroix, M. (Jury) & Prescott, P. (Jury), 23 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Languages, Letters and Translation
Curia comitis: Participation politique des élites et pouvoir princier dans le comté de Flandre (1071-1191)
Waroquier, R. (Author), Nieus, J.-F. (Supervisor), Flament, C. (President), De Paermentier, E. (Jury), Hélary, X. (Jury), Ruffini-Ronzani, N. (Jury), Tock, B.-M. (Jury) & Vincent, N. (Jury), 11 Dec 2024Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of History, Art and Archeology
Défaire le sens de l'histoire: Archéologie et Déconstruction
Delvaux, A. (Author), LAOUREUX, S. (Supervisor), SABOT, P. (Supervisor), Pradelle, D. (President), revel, J. (Jury), Terzi, R. (Jury) & Gros, F. (Jury), 25 Nov 2020Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Philosophy
Defining referential integrity constraints on NoSQL datastores
Masson, T. (Author) & Ravet, R. (Author)Cleve, A. (Supervisor), 14 Jun 2019Student thesis: Master types › Master in Computer Science Professional focus in Software engineering
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De la fertilité des sols à la santé de la terre: retour sur un processus d’apprentissage collectif visant l’évaluation de la santé des sols cultivés en agriculture paysanne
Richelle, L. (Author), Dendoncker, N. (Supervisor), Visser, M. (Co-Supervisor), Hallet, V. (President), Colinet, G. (Jury), Cuéllar Padilla, C. (Jury) & van Dyck, B. (Jury), 20 Dec 2019Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Sciences
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De la mine à l’habitat: Économie des productions minières du Bassin de Mons au Néolithique. De la fin du 5e millénaire à la fin du 3e millénaire.
Collin, J.-P. (Author), Burnez, L. (Supervisor), Giligny, F. (Supervisor), Baele, J. M. (Jury), Goemaere, E. (Jury), Collet, H. (Jury), Pétrequin, P. (Jury) & Thirault, E. (Jury), 22 Nov 2019Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of History, Art and Archeology
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Des actualités filmées au service de l'histoire. La propagande audiovisuelle d'un gouvernement en état de siège (1940-1945)
Rochet, B. (Author), Tixhon, A. (Supervisor), Palumbo, G. (President), Roekens, A. (Jury), Dujardin, V. (Jury), Kesteloot, C. (Jury) & VERAY, L. (Jury), 22 Apr 2014Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of History, Art and Archeology
Descartes et l'évolution de l'esthétique musicale
Van Wymeersch, B. (Author)Lenoir, Y. (Supervisor), 1997Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Languages, Letters and Translation
Des expographes et des œuvres: analyse typologique des formes d'implication personnelle de l'expographe dans les logiques de disposition qu'il conçoit
Poncelet, F. (Author), Lefftz, M. (Supervisor), Gob, A. (Co-Supervisor), Vanden Bemden, Y. (Co-Supervisor), Chaumier, S. (Jury), Foulon, P.-J. (Jury) & Montpetit, R. (Jury), 14 Sept 2011Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of History, Art and Archeology