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Michel Brix
- Heritages, Transmissions, Inheritances
- Center for Nerval Studies
- Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality
Person: Retired Scientific Staff autorized to continue an activity, Academic staff authorized for unpaid activity (ANR), Unpaid Scientific Staff
Anthony Cleve
- Faculty of Computer Science
- Laboratoire de Langue des Signes de Belgique francophone
- Namur Digital Institute
Person: Academic staff, Definitive Academic Staff, Unpaid Academic Staff
Anne Collard
- Research Institute in didactic and Education at UNamur
- Unite de recherche en sciences de l'education et de la formation
- Faculte des sciences de l'education et de la formation
Person: Scientific Staff researcher with a Term Contract, Unpaid Scientific Staff, Unpaid Academic Staff
Hadrien Cousin
- Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality
- Laboratoire de Langue des Signes de Belgique francophone
Person: FNRS Scientific Staff, Unpaid Scientific Staff
Jeroen Darquennes
- German Department (german and general linguistics, german and comparative literature)
- Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality
Person: Definitive Academic Staff, Unpaid Academic Staff
Nicolas Dendoncker
Person: Academic staff, Unpaid Academic Staff
Guillaume Etienne
- German Department (german and general linguistics, german and comparative literature)
- Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality
Person: Assistant Scientific Staff, Unpaid Scientific Staff