Projects per year
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Laurence Mettewie
- Department of Netherlandic Studies
- Research group on multilingualism
- Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality
Person: Definitive Academic Staff, Unpaid Academic Staff
Luk Van Mensel
- Department of Netherlandic Studies
- Research group on multilingualism
- Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality
Person: Unpaid Scientific Staff, Scientific Staff research assistant
De “i” van integratie in CLIL: focus op de samenwerking tussen zaakvak- en vreemdetaalleraren en de consequenties ervan voor de Pedagogical Practices
Martens, L. (PI), Mettewie, L. (Co-supervisor) & Elen, J. (Co-supervisor)
1/12/20 → …
Project: PHD
Instruction Languages and Language Education in Belgian Parliamentary Discourse (1883-today): Language conflict, language politics and language ideologies
Vierendeels, I. (PI) & Mettewie, L. (Supervisor)
1/10/19 → 30/09/25
Project: PHD
Biographie (en néerlandais) de Maurice Maeterlinck (Gand 1862 - Nice 1949)
Leijnse, E. (PI)
1/01/15 → …
Project: Research
A longitudinal test of the impact of CLIL on language emotions and learning motivation
Mettewie, L., Van Mensel, L., De Smet, A. & Galand, B., Jul 2024, In: System: an international journal of educational technology and applied linguistics. 123, 103355.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Forever. Different. Regionale identificatie door taalculturele differentiatie in de online marketingcampagne van PSV Eindhoven
Doreleijers , K. & Vierendeels, I., Sept 2024, In: Diggit Magazine.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
Open Access -
Spreken is zilver, babbelen goud? Hoe informele e-tandems spreekdurf kunnen stimuleren in vreemdetaalverwerving
Vierendeels, I. & Mettewie, L., Mar 2024, In: Levende Talen Magazine. 111, 2, p. 12-16Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
Open AccessFile
Learning languages to save the nation, but which nation? (Sub)nationalist imaginaries orienting Belgian language-in-education politics
Vierendeels, I. (Speaker) & Mettewie, L. (Speaker)
21 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
“Digging deeper” into glocal place-making: A languagecultural analysis of the football marketing videos of PSV Eindhoven and KRC Genk
Doreleijers , K. (Speaker) & Vierendeels, I. (Speaker)
27 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Simon Fraser University
Vierendeels, I. (Visiting researcher)
Aug 2024 → Sept 2024Activity: Visiting an external institution types › Visiting an external academic institution
Biografieprijs 2016 (Erik Hazelhoff Biografieprijs 2016). Prix pour la meilleure biographie publiée en néerlandais entre novembre 2013 et novembre 2015
Leijnse, E. (Recipient), 10 May 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Elisabeth Leijnse, Cécile en Elsa. Strijdbare freules sur la longlist ECI Literatuurprijs (fiction et non-fiction)
Leijnse, E. (Recipient), 24 Aug 2016
Prize: National/international honour
Libris Geschiedenis Prijs 2016 pour le meilleur livre d'histoire rédigé en néerlandais
Leijnse, E. (Recipient), 30 Oct 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
L’apprentissage du néerlandais a-t-il déjà été obligatoire en Wallonie ?
Vierendeels, I. & Mettewie, L.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert Comment
Taalkeuze Waalse onderwijs: leerlingen kiezen almaar minder voor Nederlands
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Expert Comment
Nederlands wordt mogelijk verplicht: op symbolisch en economisch vlak een heel belangrijk plan, maar ...
Mettewie, L. & Vierendeels, I.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert Comment
Student theses
Estudio de los elementos culturales en las obras de Shakespeare y sus traducciones al español por Macpherson, Astrana y Valverde (thèse de doctorat Université de Murcia) (évaluation externe pour Label européen)
Campillo Arnaiz, L. (Author), Delabastita, D. (Jury), 2005Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Languages, Letters and Translation
Exploring lexical morphology across languages: A corpus-based study of prefixation in English and French writing (Thèse de doctorat)
Lefer, M.-A. (Author), Granger, S. (Supervisor), Deproost, P. (Jury), Decock, S. (Jury), Vandelanotte, L. (Jury) & Vogeleer, S. (Jury), 2009Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Languages, Letters and Translation
French Taste versus English Taste: Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Voltaire's La Mort de César and Aaron Hill's The Roman Revenge (thèse de doctorat KU Leuven)
Agarez Medeiros, H. (Author), Delabastita, D. (Jury), 2008Student thesis: Doc types › Doctor of Languages, Letters and Translation