Projects per year
- 50 - 87 out of 87 results
Search results
Nanovalid: Development of reference methods for hazard identification, risk assessment and LCA of engineered nanomaterials
Dogne, J.-M. (CoI), Lucas, S. (CoI), Saout, C. (Researcher), TOUSSAINT, O. (Researcher), LOZANO GARCIA, O. (Researcher), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (Researcher)
1/11/11 → 31/10/15
Project: Research
GAGE - 6540: Systèmes intégrés de production et de marquage de Ga68
Lucas, S. (PI) & BOUCHAT, V. (PI)
1/04/11 → 31/03/16
Project: Research
Q Nano: Development of a pan-European infrastructure for quality in nanomaterials safety testing
LOZANO GARCIA, O. (Researcher), Lucas, S. (CoI), Mejia Mendoza, J. H. (Researcher), Saout, C. (Researcher) & TOUSSAINT, O. (Researcher)
1/02/11 → 31/01/15
Project: Research
yttria: FIRST PostDoc YTTRIA Convention 2010
Lucas, S. (PI) & Moreau, N. (Researcher)
1/12/10 → 1/12/12
Project: Research
Elaboration de revêtements de tantale et de tantale/CNTs structurés et fonctionnels sur
Mekhalif, Z. (PI)
1/10/10 → 30/09/14
Project: Research
Elaboration électrochimique de surfaces de tantale et de tantale/CNTs structurées et fonctionnelles sur substrats de nitinol en milieu liquide ionique
MAHO, A. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (CoI)
1/10/10 → 31/05/14
Project: PHD
Self-Assembly of organothiols on feromagnetic (Ni, Co, Fe) in ionic liquid
RAJALINGAM, S. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (CoI)
1/06/10 → 31/05/14
Project: PHD
Modifications de surfaces de Phynox : vers une meilleure hydrophilicité et résistance à la corrosion dans une perspective d'applications biomédicales
BARTHELEMY, B. (PI) & Mekhalif, Z. (CoI)
1/10/09 → 13/03/15
Project: PHD
BIOSE: Développement d'un biocapteur optique à sensibilité élevée pour la détection rapide ambulatoire des pathogènes dans les liquides biologiques.
Houssiau, L. (PI)
1/09/09 → 31/08/12
Project: Research
Development of high efficiency photovoltaic cells
Terwagne, G. (PI), Ross, G. G. (CoI), DEMARCHE, J. (Researcher), YEDJI, M. (Researcher) & Barba, D. (Researcher)
1/09/09 → 31/08/13
Project: Research
NANOCOMPO: NANOCOMPOSITE platform: development of new generations of nanoparticle-based products
Terwagne, G. (PI), Abou Rich, S. (Researcher), Deparis, O. (CoI), Pireaux, J.-J. (CoI) & YEDJI, M. (Researcher)
1/12/08 → 30/11/11
Project: Research
Televie: Study of the effects of radiations X-ray, protons and particles alpha on the interactions between tumoral cells and endothelial cells
Lucas, S. (PI) & Michiels, C. (PI)
1/10/08 → 31/12/12
Project: PHD
Fundamental properties of photovoltaic cells produced by plasma assisted deposition and ion implantation
Terwagne, G. (PI), YEDJI, M. (Researcher) & DEMARCHE, J. (Researcher)
1/10/08 → 1/10/09
Project: PHD
3D NanoChemiscope: Combined SIMS-SFM Instrument for the 3-Dimensional Chemical Analysis of Nanostructures
Houssiau, L. (PI)
15/09/08 → 15/09/12
Project: Research
Development of radiation-responsive bioassays for biodosimetry applications.
Lucas, S. (PI)
1/02/08 → 30/06/10
Project: Research
Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic activity studies on metal oxide nanoparticles supported over porous materials
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Martis, P. (Researcher)
8/10/07 → 30/09/09
Project: PHD
Mirage: Self-cleaning and anti-bacterial surfaces
Lucas, S. (PI), Deparis, O. (Researcher), DREESEN, L. (Researcher), Nivarlet, N. (Researcher), SIMONIS, P. (Researcher) & VIGNERON, J.-P. (CoI)
1/10/07 → 30/09/09
Project: Research
Self-assembled monolayers of organothiols on gold and on copper
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & Denayer, J. (Researcher)
1/10/07 → 1/10/11
Project: PHD
SC-TEC-04: Ion luminescence of nanocristal silicon synthetized by ion implantation for nanophotonic application
Terwagne, G. (PI), Ross, G. G. (CoI) & Genard, G. (Researcher)
1/10/07 → 30/09/09
Project: Research
Study of thick Li metallic coatings deposited by sputter evaporation.
Lucas, S. (PI)
1/09/07 → 28/02/09
Project: Research
Physical chemistry of plasma-surface interactions
Houssiau, L. (PI) & GILLON, X. (Researcher)
1/09/07 → 31/08/14
Project: PHD
MIRAGE: Tailoring of active surface coatings for a better integration in the environment
Lucas, S. (PI), Pireaux, J.-J. (PI), AVRIL, L. (Researcher), Deparis, O. (CoI), DREESEN, L. (Researcher), Meignen, V. (Researcher), Nivarlet, N. (Researcher) & SIMONIS, P. (Researcher)
1/05/07 → 30/04/10
Project: Research
ESA-CNT: Non conventional matrix / Carbon nanotubes reinforced composite for space application
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & FONSECA, A. (Researcher)
1/04/07 → 31/03/09
Project: Research
FOMOS: Functional properties by mixed nanoorganic / metal oxide systems
Pireaux, J.-J. (PI) & Batan, A. (Researcher)
1/03/07 → 1/03/10
Project: Research
PSI: Plasma-Surface Interaction
Houssiau, L. (PI), Pireaux, J.-J. (PI) & Lucas, S. (PI)
1/01/07 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Localized desorption of SAMs on different surfaces
Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & CSOKA, B. (Researcher)
1/01/07 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
NanoGLOWA: NanoMembranes against Global Warming
DELHALLE, J. (PI), Mekhalif, Z. (PI) & FONSECA, A. (Researcher)
1/12/06 → 30/11/11
Project: Research
NANO2HYBRIDS: Interface design of metal nanocluster-carbon nanotube hybrids via control of structural and chemical defects in a plasma discharge
Pireaux, J.-J. (PI), ARNAUD, L. (Researcher), AVILOV, I. (Researcher), Felten, A. (Researcher) & Kohler, L. (Researcher)
1/10/06 → 30/09/09
Project: Research
STEPS: Stakeholders Tune European Physics Studies (STEPS)
Sporken, R. (PI)
25/08/06 → 30/09/08
Project: Research
TARGAN: Tumoral angiogenesis imaged and traited by radioactive nanoclusters
Lucas, S. (PI), BOUCHAT, V. (Researcher), CRESPIN, M. (Researcher), Fransolet, M. (Technician), Masereel, B. (CoI), Michiels, C. (CoI) & Moreau, N. (Researcher)
1/03/06 → 31/08/11
Project: Research
Study of X-rays emitted by projectile following heavy ion-matter interactions
Terwagne, G. (PI) & DEMARCHE, J. (Researcher)
1/02/06 → 31/08/07
Project: Research
NANOTOXICO: In vitro and in vivo toxicological study of three types of nanoparticles od economic interest in the walloon region
Lucas, S. (PI), Masereel, B. (PI), TOUSSAINT, O. (PI), BELOT, N. (Researcher), BOTMAN, M.-C. (Researcher), De Glas, V. (Technician), Fattaccioli, A. (Technician), Fransolet, M. (Technician), FRIPPIAT, C. (Researcher), GALLOY, C. (Researcher), JACQUES, D. (Researcher), LAMBINON, F. (Technician), LESCRENIER, M. (Technician), MARIJSSE, J. (Researcher), NOEL, F. (Technician), Piret, J.-P. (Researcher), ROLIN, S. (Researcher), Saout, C. (Researcher), VANKONINGSLOO, S. (Researcher), Hespel, B. (CoI), Leonis, J.-P. (Support role), LOZANO GARCIA, O. (Researcher), Alpan, L. (Technician) & Laloy, J. (Researcher)
1/01/06 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
ICONTROL: Interface-Control for Organic Devices
Pireaux, J.-J. (PI), ARNAUD, L. (Researcher), AVILOV, I. (Researcher), Douhard, B. (Researcher) & Kohler, L. (Researcher)
1/01/06 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Conception et réalisation d’une nouvelle ligne de faisceau de l’accélérateur ALTAIS adaptée à l’UHV pour l’étude de réactions nucléaires liées à l’astrophysique et à l’analyse de matériaux
Terwagne, G. (PI) & NONET, A. (Technician)
1/10/05 → 30/09/06
Project: Research