Point de vue et multimodalité. Deuxième conférence de l'Institut NaLTT par Darren Saunders et Anne-Marie Parisot (UQAM) et Paul Sambre (KU Leuven)
- Darren Saunders (Keynote Speaker)
- Anne-Marie Parisot (Keynote Speaker)
- Paul Sambre (Keynote Speaker)
- Delabastita, D. (Invited Speaker)
- Meurant, L. (Invited Speaker)
- Vandelanotte, L. (Invited Speaker)
- Darquennes, J. (Member of Scientific Committee)
- Gonne, M. (Member of Scientific Committee)
- Sinte, A. (Member of Scientific Committee)
- Van Mensel, L. (Member of Scientific Committee)
- Vrydaghs, D. (Member of Scientific Committee)
- Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality
- Laboratoire de Langue des Signes de Belgique francophone
- Research Institute in didactic and Education at UNamur
- Faculty of Arts
- English Department
- Research group on multilingualism
- German Department (german and general linguistics, german and comparative literature)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference