This course has been designed as an introductory course on the control of distributed parameter systems, or more specifically of dynamical systems whose dynamics are described by partial differential equations (PDE’s).It will start by providing a number of examples of distributed parameter systems as used in many industrial, environmental and biological applications ranging from flexible robots to Saint-Venant equations via tubular reactors or population balance dynamics, to name a few. From these examples, basic concepts will be introduced like the notion of spectrum, which will be further explored through the concepts of observability and controllability, with an aspect which is specific to the distributed parameter systems : the appropriate location of sensors and actuators.
The link between infinite dimensional systems (distributed parameter systems) and lumped parameter systems will serve as a guideline to introduce the major theoretical concepts linked to this type of systems. This also includes the numerical issue of the practical implementation of analysis and design tools for the observation and control of distributed parameter systems. An important aspect will be the analysis of nonlinear distributed parameter systems with the analysis of the multiplicity of the equilibrium profiles, and of their stability as well as observability and controllability concepts.
Throughout the course, the examples drawn from the physics will be used to illustrate the theoretical results. Among these, examples like the tubular reactor will serve as guidelines within the course.
A computer session is intended to be organized in the framework of the course
Period | Apr 2016 → May 2016 |
Event type | Course |
Degree of Recognition | National |